Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For Everything There Is A Season...

"...A time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate
A time for war and and a time for peace." -Ecc. 3:1-8
I've gone through many seasons in my life and many more I still must go through. The latest season has not been easy. For the last 7 weeks I've been living in Montana with people I do not know, going to church with even more people I do not know, and missing those that I know oh so well back home. There has been a stripping away of sorts as God is continuing the work he began in me, as well as brokenness in areas of my life that I have never given Him. There has also been a season of grief as I have chosen to leave behind the life I became comfortable with for a life I hope to never be comfortable in again.

The season of grief is not over, however. I left behind not only family and friends, but also a sweet kitty cat named, Moxie. Miss Moxie has been my friend for the last three years and it was with great anxiety that I turned her over to a friend upon my departure from San Antonio in August. The last I knew ( a few weeks ago), Moxie was doing fine and adapting nicely to her new home. However, some time over the last few weeks that changed. I received a call today from my friend stating that Moxie had stopped eating over the last couple of weeks and developed liver disease. I agonized over the news as I knew what I should do. While liver disease is curable with a very large bill and a feeding tube down her throat for the next two months, there is no guarantee that she will not do the same thing again. It seems that cats tend to stop eating when they are stressed or sad, as in, when their owner leaves. So it's with sadness that I face the decision to let her go.

Before owning a pet, I could not have imagined how attached you could be to an animal. Having owned such a sweet one for the last three years, I am now on the other side of the coin. I realize not everyone can understand it, but I know that the Lord gave this kitty to me. She was my friend in a time of great loneliness and the Lord used her to minister to me and heal me in such a sweet way. So I grieve tonight as I face the realization that her time on Earth will soon be over. I grieve that I cannot be with my sweet friend as she passes. Mostly, I grieve because I will miss her terribly.
My three year-old kitty, Moxie, that brought such joy to my heart.
How I will miss you my friend.


  1. so sorry amy, i know how it hurts. love you!! - cbj (jules)

  2. Had to let go of my father's beloved pet last year, 1 week shy of his 18th birthday. I know how difficult and deep the pain from a decision like yours can be. Hugs.

  3. I have always loved the name Moxie. Do you know what it means? Look it up.

    I used it as my nick name when going through custody battle.

    The slang version:

    mox·ie (mŏk'sē)
    n. Slang
    The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage
