Thursday, June 3, 2010

Like A Bull In A China Shop....

Ever had that "awkward" feeling where everything you do is out of sync? Yeah, that's been me for the last two weeks. The first few days were the most ridiculous. So I'm gonna call myself out, on the "internets." (That's for you KK ;-)

First I want you to take a look at my apartment. Oh yeah, it's green...pistachio to be exact. You know you're jealous.

Now, as you can tell from these first few pics, there's lots to be done to make this apartment feel like a home. The green color was so overpowering I hung my dish towels up on existing nails just so I would have SOMETHING to break up the color. The pic of the "living area" on the right shows some of the purchases I made during my first few weeks here. Don't worry, I bought paint....

Now, to get back to that "bull in a china shop feeling...." The first shopping trip turned out to be total disastrous in feeling like I had any control over my awkwardness at all. First, Tresha and I go to Plus where we loaded up our shopping cart with many much needed supplies. Everyone is staring because people don't normally buy very much stuff at stores, because they don't have the money to and here we are with a basket completely full of supplies. So, we've loaded all the items onto the belt and the checker starts his procedure.... Tresha reminds me I need bags (you pay for your bags and bag your own items here.) Duh! So I grab about 4 bags and start chunking items into the bags as fast as I can before the checker, who is basically shooting my items across the bar-code scanner, is finished. I'm basically a wreck. Not only is everyone staring at me, but I have to be finished with the bagging before the scanning is done...or else everyone will still be staring at the American who doesn't know how to check-out while she's fumbling around for her wallet....

Wallet? Wait a second, where's my wallet? That's right, I forgot my wallet. Praise God Tresha had enough cash to cover my purchases. After that, we went back to my apartment to salvage what was left of my pride and find my wallet. It was just where I left it by the way....

The next store was just as ridiculous. We had just as full a basket as the first store, however this time, we held up the line because the pot I chose didn't have a sticker on it. Tresha went back to find the pot on the shelf, during which a man elbowed her and she dropped the pot and broke the lid. Clean-up on Aisle 5!!!! She returned, with both the broken and properly "stickered" pot only for me to realize there are about twice as many eyes on me as before. I have never felt like such an outsider before.

That was the first few days. Now that it's been about two weeks, I'm settling in to my new apt and am slowly but surely making it feel more "home-y." As for the "awkward" feeling, well...let's just say that I'm now smiling at all the staring eyes. There are some things, you just can't fix...

Here are some more pictures of my "studio" apartment.

Re-vamped kitchen. Next, some green plants,
colorful pieces, and much needed painting!

The unfinished bedroom

And to the right, my friends, is the gypsy house across the street from my apartment. I am convinced the owner of my apartment borrowed their left over paint. I mean, it's the exact same color as my kitchen/living area. It's ridiculous!

Kind of reminds me of the wild color of houses I saw on the west side of San Antonio everyday as I drove to work ;-)

Finally, the view from my bedroom window. These mountains are some of the smaller ones in this area. Last Sunday, the McKnight's and I went to a lake up in the mountains. I was saddened when I realized I forgot my camera. However, I'm sure we will be back there again as it is only 30 minutes from where we live. God is good to provide such an oasis in the middle of a devastated country where so many have so little.

Stay tuned for pictures of the "kids" of the Joshua Project who I hope to capture on video and in pictures soon!


  1. Amy, your stove is HUGE!! Not! Thanks for the pictures. Your bedding is so pretty! I love you!

  2. I think your little apartment is quite cute!!! So glad you are settling in. I can't imagine what it must of felt like at the grocery store with all eyes on you. I mean, when you move to a different city within a state you can feel like an outsider much less a whole new country. Proud of you!!!!


  3. LOL - this made me laugh. I know the feeling. You will get through it, I promise. The first couple of times are always bad b/c you don't know the "rules". And yes, there are plenty in the US too ;) Don't get discouraged if it takes you two hours of shopping to walk out with the bare necessities, only to be told you paid too much and forgot half of your list. It will be ok. And fun when you look back in two months to realize... "Wow, I can do this now" :) Love ya! The other Williams :)

  4. Hello, Sweetie. It's a brave new world for you and I am so proud of your accomplishments, despite all the embarassment. I enjoy the photos of your surroundings and your apartment is really cute, despite the putrid color you describe. I look forward to seeing the updated version. You write well with great storytelling abilities and I look forward to following your life in print. I love you, Mom.

  5. Amy, I LUVVV the view out your window! Not in Kansas anymore!
    My heart is with you guys this week--you are in my prayers...
