Monday, April 12, 2010

Change Is A Comin'...

I'm in the final countdown people! Last Thursday, I purchased my plane tickets for the flight over the pond. The best only cost me 700 bones. Yes, I know, doesn't exactly sound like a deal. However, when you consider that most flights on other websites were around $850-$1000...that is a STEAL!

So, it's 33 days and counting. I'm excited to start the next phase, but at the same time...EXTREMELY INTIMIDATED! I mean, what am I thinking? At 31 I'm completely changing everything about my life, leaving the only country I've ever lived in (not to mention, the only state I've ever lived in) and leaving everyone I know behind. All I have to say is (in the words of my friend Larissa)...HECK YES!

I'm itchy with excitement about the change. There's much to be done, including a trip to Vancouver this week to help my team members with some speaking engagements. I'll blog more about that later.

Woo to the hoo!


1 comment:

  1. HECK to the YES!! woo to the hoo!! preach it sista!! i'm excited for ya!!!! :) can't wait to stay up to date on you sweet friend!! hugs!! :)
