I'm in the final countdown people! Last Thursday, I purchased my plane tickets for the flight over the pond. The best part....it only cost me 700 bones. Yes, I know, doesn't exactly sound like a deal. However, when you consider that most flights on other websites were around $850-$1000...that is a STEAL!
So, it's 33 days and counting. I'm excited to start the next phase, but at the same time...EXTREMELY INTIMIDATED! I mean, what am I thinking? At 31 I'm completely changing everything about my life, leaving the only country I've ever lived in (not to mention, the only state I've ever lived in) and leaving everyone I know behind. All I have to say is (in the words of my friend Larissa)...HECK YES!
I'm itchy with excitement about the change. There's much to be done, including a trip to Vancouver this week to help my team members with some speaking engagements. I'll blog more about that later.
Woo to the hoo!
HECK to the YES!! woo to the hoo!! preach it sista!! i'm excited for ya!!!! :) can't wait to stay up to date on you sweet friend!! hugs!! :)