Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round...

Since being back in San Antonio I've been steadily working at raising support for my time in Romania. So far I'm 60% funded and it's been quit a ride up to that point. In the last 3 weeks I've visited 10 Lifegroups from my church to share with them about my ministry in Romania. (Side note: Lifegroups are fellowship groups that meet throughout the week at different church members homes. Our church has about 40 Lifegroups.)

This past Friday I also had an opportunity to share with a group of women from Northern Hills United Methodist Church. My hosts, John & Alvina Mitchell, attend NHUMC and invited me to the event. I got the opportunity to speak with many women about the work I'll be doing overseas. While I didn't see immediate fruit from this visit, the executive board voted that I receive the proceeds from this event. In reality, none of the "fund-raising" I do produces results on its own. It really is the Lord that does the work for me, in the hearts of people, as I am obedient to follow where he leads. So while it may feel as though my wheels are spinning sometimes, I know that he is in control of it. My job is to just walk through the doors he opens.

I still have a few weeks left in San Antonio until I hit the re-evaluation mark. I'm trying to get to Romania by mid-March...which means all of my support really needs to be in by yesterday. However, I'll take whenever the Lord wants to bring it in. I would appreciate any and all prayers throughout this process. Pray that God continues to open doors and that people continue to be drawn in to this ministry.

1 comment:

  1. Amy,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you always. When you say your are 60% funded, is there a total $$$ amount that you are working towards? And how to we make donations? As I'm typing this I see the info on the right hand side. I'm still so impressed with what you are doing and how God is utilizing you! Keep the faith!
    Miss you!
