Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Asian Faces On My Wall...

A little deviation from the usual.

I realized after looking at a recent purchase of photo frames that I failed to post updated pics of my newly painted apartment. These photo frames hang, mockingly, as I do not have any pictures to put in them. Instead of my adorable, bright-eyed nieces and nephews, I'm stuck with Asian children I do not know glaring back at me. Okay, so maybe they're smiling back at me. You get the point, though. Hopefully, we'll receive the next shipment from the US soon and I will be able to hang the pictures sent by my sweet sister-in-law while wearing the new fuzzy robe purchased by my mom. Ahh, the little tidbits of home, so sweet :-)

First up...the bedroom. You can't really see the faint blue color I put on the walls, but it is definitely a cool addition to what has become my "escape." The paint color, and the fact that I have a serta mattress topper really helps make this a serene area I love:-)

Before paint, rug, and swanky light...and after.

Next, my faux hallway (really just the area in between my bathroom, bedroom, and front door.)

Say it with me, "ahhhh." I doubt I'm the only one that's thankful the green is gone :-) Not to forget I got rid of the "energy saver" bulb which cast a yellow/green hue.

And lastly, the kitchen. I still have some work to do here, but it's so much better with that "lovely" pistachio color. Blech....

Before the paint job that took me two hours each coat...(just the kitchen took that long and there were 3 coats!)

Another area of my apartment (after the door, across from the couch and smashed up against the fridge) that make it feel cozy.

Like I said, still have work to do, but after 2-3 months of trying to put the apartment together I took a break. Frankly, I just got tired of buying stuff. Maybe I'll get some inspiration from the pictures coming my way...can you tell I'm excited about pictures of family and friends?

Any ideas are welcome, however, that doesn't mean what I need for those ideas are actually available here. It's okay, because it teaches me to be content. So until then, I'll just smile back at the Asian faces on my wall....


Friday, November 5, 2010

Mock No More...

I've made my fair share of mistakes. In fact, I've been greedy with them. By the sheer number it seems I've not only made my own but have tried to make everyone else's mistakes too. The reason I'm so sure of this? Well, that's because in the last two weeks I've been confronted with what feels like, every single one of them.

Some are funny. Some were indiscretions of an insecure youth...and some, well, they're so ugly that I shutter when I think of them. The reminder of these mistakes attempts to mock the character I have been given by God. However, I was reminded the other day by the Lord that God cannot be mocked. In fact, the only reason why the enemy tries this tactic is because he knows the end game. Revelation 19 gives us a picture of the victorious coming of Christ. The day of his redemption as the Bible words it. It reads,

"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rode of iron. he will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords."

It is on this day, when Christ returns in all his glory, that the darkness of this world, and the lord of it will be destroyed. How I long for that day. Until then, the battle continues. The fight to remind myself and to bathe myself in the truth of God's word continues.

This morning I happened upon a song that ministered these very truths to my heart. Not only that the victorious day of which I wait is coming, but also the truths upon which I need to fix my mind. the song comes from the prayer room at International House of Prayer. (See the link to learn more.) The woman singing this song is singing the words the Lord brings to her heart. It may sound like hocus pocus. But indeed, those who know Christ, know his voice and can hear it. I pray this song blesses you as it did me.
